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I don’t know what happened. It wasn’t supposed to come out this way: a reversible corset with improbable colors. I’ve actually finished it more than a year ago and, since then, it has been lying at the bottom of a drawer. I just couldn’t see it. It looked too awful and strange to me. And yet it was the result of a really great online sewing class with Gretchen Hirsch. The first side looks like “I-ate-a-vanilla-and-strawberry-ice-cream-at-the-swimming-pool-and-then-I-decided-to-wear-a-matching-corset-oh-and-the-sun-was-seriously-beating-down-today”. Even if I would never go out dressed like that, I couldn’t help adopting this regressive look. Smells like teen spirit…

And the other side is more of a “oh-if-only-I-could-be-Charles-Ingalls’-daughter-and-run-through-flowered-meadows-on-a-Spring-afternoon”.

Yeah. Sewing roulette: next!

Some time ago I felt like sewing some wax fabric. This gave birth to a top and a skirt.

The top has a 3D neckline.wax top

The skirt features two folded bows on the front waist.

My lover’s mother told me this fabric reminded her of bacon slices… Ahem, bon appétit!

Je rêve que je fume avec mes copines
Que le sable me livre ses fausses vérités
Que je vole des piécettes et au-dessus des nuées
Que les fruits bleus constellent l’étang doré
Que dans un piège mon cœur s’est égaré
Que par la forêt je file à la nuit tombée
Que je meurs tout en restant éveillée
Que derrière s’étend un labyrinthe caché
Je rêve que je fume avec mes copines